Frequently Asked Questions

What types of services do you offer?

We provide chiropractic examinations, chiropractic manipulations and nutritional counseling services. We provide chiropractic manipulation to all ages from infants to the elderly. We also have vitamin supplements, biofreeze and essential oils for sale.

Will my insurance cover care from a chiropractor?

Most health insurance plans include coverage for chiropractic care and Whole Health Chiropractic is a provider for most major insurances. We'll check your benefits at your first appointment so you'll know up front what is covered.

How much will this cost?

If chiropractic care is covered by your insurance, you are responsible for your co-pay at the time of service. We'll check insurance benefits at your first visit and inform you of your policy coverage. We also accept patients with no insurance, payments by health savings accounts (HSA and HRA) and flex accounts.

How long will treatment last?

Because chiropractic care is tailored to your individual needs, there is no set treatment time. After we have examined you, we will provide a treatment plan and discuss the estimated length of treatment.

Many patients have results with only one or two treatments. All patients should begin to see results within two to three weeks. If you don't see some improvement in symptoms within this time, it's likely that chiropractic care is not the most effective treatment for you, and we will make referrals for other services that might be more helpful.

Are chiropractors real doctors?

Yes. Chiropractors are healthcare practitioners with an emphasis on musculoskeletal diagnosis and treatment. The chiropractic curriculum also includes training in nutrition and vitamin supplementation. Dr. Savicky attended eight years of college training, which includes medical physiology as well as hands-on clinical training.

Will it hurt?

Because we use the Activator Methods Chiropractic Technique, chiropractic adjustments are safe and gentle. Most patients report no discomfort at all with this technique.

What is the Activator Methods Chiropractic Technique?

This technique is evolved from nearly 40 years of empirical study and 15 years of clinical research and uses the latest advances in orthopedic, neurological, and chiropractic care. The Activator Methods Chiropractic Technique uses an Activator Adjusting Instrument to give a consistent low-force, high-speed chiropractic adjustment that eliminates the twisting and popping that people often associate with chiropractic adjustments. Go to for more information.

Do I need a referral from an MD?

Most likely no. Chiropractors are first-contact doctors under state and federal regulations. Approximately 1% of our patients require a referral from their medical doctor and we will inform you if it is needed.